Zeszyty naukowe PŁ, Chemia Spożywcza i Biotechnologia
Zeszyt 74
ISSN 1509-7013 print version (original version)
Determination of nickel in tea by using dimethylglyoxime method
Evaluation of elimination diets, applied in allergy and food intolerance treatment in children
Zanieczyszczenia gleb miejskich miasta Łodzi wybranymi pierwiastkami śladowymi
Microbiota of human gastrointestinal tract
Synthesis of higher alcohols during alcoholic fermentation of rye mashes
Enzymatic liquefaction of apple pomace
Immobilized antibodies for biosensoric detection of protein food allergens in grocery products
Phytoextraction of heavy metal contaminated soils
Biosorption of heavy metals – modern and cheap method of polluted wastewater treatment
Utylizacja odpadów przemysłu energetycznego zawierających polichlorowane bifenyle