Preparation of manuscript
In order to achieve uniform presentation all authors are pleased to follow the guidelines. Authors are strongly encouraged to use template for the preparation of manuscript. The template offers the authors many features that ease manuscript preparation and submission; all graphics and tables can be integrated into the manuscript where author wishes to place them. The use of template allows authors to view their paper in a style close to the final printed form. To ensure successful use of template, author should save the final document as Word file with a *.doc extension.
Concise and informative title should reflect the contents of the manuscript.
Author names and affiliations.
Names should have fully spelled-out first name followed by middle initial and second name of each author. Present the authors’ affiliation addresses at which the research was performed. Indicate all affiliations with a number superscript immediately after the coma following author’s name and in front of appropriate address. Provide the postal address of each affiliation.
Corresponding author
Please indicate with an asterisk the corresponding author to whom all correspondence at all stages of refereeing, and publications, also-post publication should be sent. Provide tha e-mail address of this correspondent.
A concise abstract (200-250 words) should have the same structure as manuscript. It should briefly state the purpose of the research, major findings, and conclusions and should not contain any formulas and references. Abstract should be written so that it can be used verbatim in an abstracting journal.
A list of 3-8 keywords which identify most important subjects covered in the manuscript and do not repeat title.
Main text
As a rule, Research Articles should be divided into sections, headed by captions such as Introduction, Experimental, Results, Discussion (these two may be combined), and Conclusions. The manuscript should be written as clearly and concisely as possible.
Every article must have a concise introduction which reviews what has been done before on the topic, with appropriate references. The purpose and value of the work and what is new in the paper submitted should be clearly stated.
Typically the Experimental section should be divided into subsections, the content of which varies according to the subject matter of the article. This section should contain sufficient information for others to repeat the experiments. Physical and spectroscopic data can be included in the experimental section or, in case that a large number of compounds are prepared, presented in tables. Statistical analysis should be clearly described with references to the methodology used.
Results and Discussion
The Results should be presented in a clear, concise manner using tables and illustrations for clarity. Following their presentation, results should be appropriately discussed and interpreted in the light of existing literature. Do not present data in both figures and tables simultaneously. Figures and tables should be clearly labeled.
Tables and Figures
Tables and illustrations should be incorporated in the text and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Illustration can only be named Figure or Scheme. Every graphic requires a unique title and must be referred to in the text. Provide a title above each table and below each figure.
If you include figures that have already been published elsewhere, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format. Please be aware that some publishers do not grant electronic rights for free and that BFS will not be able to refund any costs that may have occurred to receive these permissions. In such cases, material from other sources should be used.
Abbreviations and units
Abbreviations should only be used when long or unwieldy names occur frequently, and never in the title. They should be given at the first mention of the name. Metric SI units should be used. The capital letter L should be used for liters. Instead of % g/g,% w/w; Mol-%; vol-%, ppm, ppb, the expressions such as g/kg, g/L, mg/kg, mg/cm 3 should be used. Present concentration as 1 mol/L not 1 M/L. A space must be left between a number and a symbol ( e.g. 50 mL not 50mL), except of % ( e.g. 5%). A small × must be used as multiplication sign between numeric values ( e.g. 5×10 2 mol -1 ). Common species names should be followed by the Latin at the first mention, with contracting it to a single letter repliche orologi or word for subsequent use.
References should be numbered in order of appearing in the text and cited in square brackets, e.g. [1], [2,3], [2-5]. Typically, no more than 25 references should be cited in a research article and 100 in review article. References should be listed at the end of the paper in order of appearing in the text. Journal titles should be abbreviated in accordance with Medline:
Please format bibliography according to the indications given in examples above:
- Name AB, Name CD. Title of the cited article. Abbreviation of Journal Title = J. Title Abbr 2007, 6:100-110.
- Maruyama K, Akahoshi H, Kobayashi NAM, Tanizaki BY. Assignment of conjugate double bond systems produced in heated PVA film by absorption and excitation spectra. Bull Chem Soc Jpn 1985 , 58:2923-2928.
- Author A, Author B. Title of the chapter. In: Book Title, 2nd ed. Editor A, Editor B, Eds.; Publisher, Publisher Location, Country, 2007 ; Vol. 3, pp. 154-196.
- Lis A, Kurowska A. Composition of essential oil of Erigeron annuus L. Proc. 37th Int. Symp. on Essential Oils. Berlin, Gemany, 1999 , p. 242.
- Nowacki W. Theory of elasticity. PWN, Warszawa, Poland, 1970 , pp. 120-140.
The inclusion of an acknowledgments section is optional. The number of acknowledgements should be kept to a minimum. It may include credit to financial support, technical assistance, and other appropriate recognition, and should be brief and placed before References.