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Zeszyty naukowe PŁ, Chemia Spożywcza i Biotechnologia
Zeszyt 74
Determination of nickel in tea by using dimethylglyoxime method

Anna Sykuła-Zająca
Monika Tureka
Mohit Philip Mathewb
Ferenc Pataic
Martina Horvatd
Joanna Jabłońskaa

aInstitute of General Food Chemistry, Technical University of Lodz, Poland
bDepartment of Biotechnology, Manipal Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India
cFaculty of Food Engineering. Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
dFaculty of Food Technology, J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia

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Pages: 5 - 11

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Recent studies have shown that it contains concentrations of heavy metals such as nickel. Heavy metals are known to be toxic and there have been many studies on their toxicity such as lead and cadmium, however researchers are now starting to explore the nature of the toxicity of nickel. A common and well-known method of spectrophotometric determination of nickel by dimethylglyoxime reagent was used. The presented paper, due to the increasing concerns surrounding the harmful effects of nickel compounds, aims at testing and demonstration of the effectiveness of the mentioned method.

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